Getting back to work


By: Dr. Marcus Gatto, DoC & Team Principal at Pursuit

For nearly 200 days in 2021 the doors to our gym have been closed. You’ve been patiently awaiting the return to lifting heavy weights, sweating on the Assault Bike and holding plank with your peers. The time has finally come… BUT, getting “back to work” in the gym after being away for so long requires some special attention to avoid injury.

Here are three quick and helpful tips to ensuring your return to the gym is one that is beneficial, not harmful.

Focus on Full-Body Workouts

Focusing on full-body workouts helps reduce overall muscle soreness and over-taxing of vulnerable muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue. Not sure how to get started with a full-body workout? Join our Adult Functional Fitness classes or reach out to us about a personal program designed specifically to your needs and wants.

Choose Movement over Maxes

Focus on proper technique and take the time to reintroduce your body to movements in the gym. Consider lowering weight, slowing tempo and make sure you aren’t feeling undue stress in areas you shouldn’t be feeling stress.

Focus on Areas of Concern

Make sure to spend extra time and attention on areas that have been injured in the past. Whatever that may be, hamstrings, hip flexors, or others, make sure you work those areas into each workout at low reps and low intensity, focusing on your form. Mixing in regular preventative therapy sessions into your workout routine can also help lessen the risk of re-injury in your areas of concern.

Looking forward to seeing you back moving at Pursuit Athletic Centre!


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YEARS IN THE MAKING: From Athlete to Ownership